1476 elefantes são devolvidos à natureza após fechamento de atrações turísticas, na Tailândia

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Se tem um setor da economia que foi bastante impactado pela pandemia de Covid-19 é o turismo. Com a restrição da livre circulação de pessoas, incontáveis atrações turísticas, dentre elas, locais que lucram com a exposições e exploração de animais fecharam. (Graças a Deus!)

É o caso de uma empresa de passeio de elefantes da Tailândia.

Sem turistas, sem renda. E assim, a companhia de exploração de animais que mantinha 2 mil elefantes em cativeiro faliu deixando os elefantes sozinhos e presos.

Ao saber da notícia, a ONG Save Elephant Foundation mobilizou sua equipe de voluntários para resgatar todos aqueles elefantes que passaram uma vida sendo explorados pela cobiça humana.

A soltura deles será feita em etapas – de 100 em 100 mamíferos. Eles serão transferidos para um santuário animal em Chiang Mai, no norte da Tailândia, construído especialmente para acolhê-los.

Na quarta (20), 1476 espécimes já foram resgatadas! Aqueles que passaram anos lucrando com sua exploração ficaram surpresos com a felicidade dos elefantes ao rever seu lar, ao descobrirem que finalmente estavam livres.

Alguns elefantes ficaram aprisionados por mais de 20 anos!!!

Olha só que momento memorável:


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SUPPORT OUR RESCUED HERD & ELEPHANTS IN DESPERATE NEED⁣ ⁣ ⁣We have been working tirelessly to support our rescued herd and all pleas for help from other elephant camp owners across Thailand. ⁣ ⁣ ⁣Your incredible support so far has enabled us to reach over 1500 elephants in need! ⁣ ⁣ ⁣Your continued support is critical to enabling us to support as many elephants as possible during this crisis. ⁣ ⁣ ⁣YOU can support by making a donation for a fruit basket treat for elephants; ⁣ ⁣ ⁣Sugar cane 40 kilograms = 8$ ⁣ ⁣Carrot 50 kg = 30$⁣ ⁣Banana tree 35 = 6$⁣ ⁣Papaya 60 kg =30 $⁣ ⁣Mango 60 kg = 25$⁣ ⁣Water melon 60 kg = 15$⁣ ⁣Pumpkins 60 kg =15$ ⁣ ⁣Mix of all kind of fruits 25$⁣ ⁣ ⁣We cannot do this critical work without you & we are truly thankful for all your kind support. ⁣ ⁣ ⁣You can donate via the link in our bio. ⁣ ⁣Or via PayPal; www.saveelephant.org/donate/general-donation/⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣#SaveElephantFoundation⁣ ⁣#ElephantNaturePark #ElephantRescue #AnimalRescue #COVID19 #CoronaVirus #SaveElephants #TrunksUp #ChiangMai #Thailand

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It is difficult to surmise how long the Covid effect will last. It will take time for every thing to come back to normal. We have to plan ahead to help the elephant survive difficult times like this. ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣We have set up a project to prepare elephant owners to be able to always feed their elephants. We are helping leasing the land and planting food for elephants to make sure each place has a secure food source. We take part of the donation to support any elephant owner willing to work together with SEF, establishing sustainable grass plantations. Other than providing food for elephants, this also gives jobs to the local community, and limits intrusions into croplands and the forest. ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣Already many camp owners, elephant keepers and local communities have agreed to join our project. ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣With your donations we are able to create a meaningful and lasting contribution to the well-being of the elephant.⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣If you are able to support us please donate via the link in our bios.⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣All donations are matched up to $50,000! ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣#SaveElephantFoundation⁣ ⁣#ElephantSanctuary #Thailand #Thai #ElephantRescue #Thailand #BeKindToElephants #ThankYou

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They are going home, this group from old to young elephants, and they will not be the last. More and more we will see the migration back to their villages. For this group, it will take them about 5 days to reach home. The mahout and elephant will stay in the jungle at night time. Our team from SEF is following them to bring food for both elephants and people. On their journey they will walk past mostly the dry area from forest fires burning for months. This is one of the reasons for them to leave the area where they used to stay. None of them know when they might return, as the tourist industry will see little growth in the months ahead.⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣For the last couple of weeks the elephants who have been leased and working many decades in the tourist business , who originate mostly from the Karen Tribe, they start to go back to their home land. This is perhaps the beginning of significant change in the lives of the many captive working elephant's lives in Thailand. Who knows what good will yet come of this terrible situation ?!⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣#SaveElephantFoundation #COVID19 #CoronaVirus #ElephantSanctuary #Thailand #AsianElephant #TrunksUp

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A message from our founder @lek_chailert ; I understand that every one is struggling and has been affected by this COVID crisis. Today I learned that a young woman has been stuck in Chiang Mai airport for many days; also i have seen some other young tourists seemingly with no place to live, while others stay in the temple for food and room as they can’t go home due to airport closures. When you are away from home things can be more difficult, especially in an unforeseen circumstance. We don’t want to see any life suffer, so if anyone is traveling in Thailand right now, and you have troubles, please contact us. At ENP, we have healthy meals and a place for you, until you are able to travel home. #SaveElephantFoundation #ElephantNaturePark #ChiangMai #COVID19 #CoronaVirus #BeKind #Thailand #Thai

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