EPSON International Pano Awards: As melhores fotos panorâmicas de 2020

Compartilhe a Verdade

Dragon Eye, Highest Scoring Aerial Image, and Second Place, Open – Nature / Landscapes. Photographed in Iceland. #  Manish Mamtani

O Epson International Pano Awards é uma premiação criada na Austrália e que já se consolidou na categoria fotografia panorâmica. Foram mais mais de 5800 imagens enviadas para a competição de de 1452 fotógrafos amadores e profissionais de quase 100 países. Importante destacar que nessa edição a participação foi recorde. Os vencedores levaram prêmios como impressoras da Epson, câmera Nikon e outros produtos. O grande vencedor de 2020 foi o fotógrafo canadense Matt Jackisch. Veja a galeria com os vencedores.

The Open Competition grand prize winning image by Canadian photographer, Matt Jackisch.


Amateur Competition grand prize winning image by Spanish photographer, Juan López Ruiz.


Light Explosion, 43rd Place, Open – Nature / Landscapes. Photographed on Senja Island in Norway. #  Armand Sarlangue 


The Hall Of Buddha, 15th Place, Amateur – Built Environment / Architecture. Photographed in Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan. #  Tien Sang Kok


Dot Matrix, 9th Place, Open – Built Environment / Architecture. Photographed in London, England. #  Mathew Browne 


Summer Morning, 33rd Place, Amateur – Nature / Landscapes. Photographed in Italy’s Dolomites. #  Krzysztof Browko 


The Mind Game, 3rd Place, Open – Built Environment / Architecture. Photographed in the Art Gallery of Ontario in Toronto, Canada. #


The Curve, 47th Place, Amateur – Built Environment / Architecture. Photographed in Zaragoza, Spain. # David Duce


Colors of Inle Fabrics, 4th Place, Open – Built Environment / Architecture. Photographed in Inle Lake, Myanmar. #  Zay Yar Lin 


The Road To The Dawn, 33rd Place, Open – Nature / Landscapes. Photographed in Senja, Norway. # © Di Lu 


Milan Octagon, 20th Place, Amateur – Built Environment / Architecture. Photographed in Milan, Italy. # Pietro Madaschi


Under the North Star, 2nd Place, Amateur – Nature / Landscapes. Photographed on the coast of the Barents Sea in Russia’s Murmansk region. #  Vitaliy Novikov


84,000 Statues of Medicine Buddha, 36th Place, Open – Built Environment / Architecture. Photographed in Shimane, Japan. # Shinya Itahana 


Light Fog, 39th Place, Amateur – Nature / Landscapes. Photographed in Texas. # Eren Atis 


Rainbow and Red Rocks, 39th Place, Open – Nature / Landscapes. Photographed in Utah. # David Swindler 


Harbin Opera House, 21st Place, Amateur – Built Environment / Architecture. Photographed in Harbin, China. #  Yaping Zhang 


Rivers of Iceland, 43rd Place, Open – Nature / Landscapes. Photographed in southern Iceland. # Mieke Boynton 


Sahara, 39th Place, Open – Nature / Landscapes. Photographed in Libya. # Marsel van Oosten


Leptis Magna, 36th Place, Open – Built Environment / Architecture. Photographed in Libya. # Marsel van Oosten


Floating Island, 12th Place, Open – Built Environment / Architecture. Photographed in Bled, Slovenia. # Carsten Bachmeyer 


Civita-Birds-Eye, 27th Place, Amateur – Built Environment / Architecture. Photographed in Civita di Bagnoregio, Italy. #


Convergence in the Dark, Curator’s Award Winner, and 5th Place, Open – Nature / Landscapes. Photographed in central Utah. # Armand Sarlangue 


Open Competition runner-up image by Australian photographer, Colin Leonhardt.




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